
Reconnection - Daniël Verstappen koncert

Reconnection - Daniël Verstappen koncert

Let us invite music lovers to a concert by internationally reputed Belgian pianist and composer Daniel Verstappen on Saturday, 10 September. Venue: the open-air stage on Öntőház udvar in the Castle Garden Bazaar. The live musical experience will be augmented with 3D visuals and a light show as part of the artist’s Reconnection Tour.

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, September 10 2022 8:00PM

Celebrating the centennial anniversary of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Belgium, Daniel will be accompanied on stage by Hungarian musicians, namely singer Judit Andrejszki and the Octovoice Choir. Attend this unique concert and be part of the construction of a cross-cultural bridge.

Educated as a classical pianist, Daniel has created his own modern musical style by combining the piano with electronic and orchestral music, as well as human voices. He has performed worldwide with famous musicians, including Andrea Bocelli, Anastacia, John Miles, Gloria Estefan, Zucchero, Simple Minds, Chaka Khan, or Joe Jackson. In early February, Daniel played at the Dubai Expo in the presence of the King and Queen of Belgium, as well as the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates. One month later, he returned to the World Expo to give another concert upon the request of the Belgian Pavilion.


Kinga Geiger (soprano), Panka Pejtsik (soprano),

Adrienn Lőrincz (alto), Borbála Tóth-Kiss (alto)

Established in 1998, the Octovoice Vocal Ensemble’s varied repertoire encompasses classical and contemporary music in the a capella jazz style. The octo-vocal choir initially sang classical pieces from various eras. Then they turned towards a capella jazz, building up a new repertoire ranging from the classic Swing of the 1930s to rhythm’n blues and current styles. They have performed across Europe and in several Hungarian media.

 Octovoice is a regular participant of major festivals and events, such as the Milan World Expo, the Budapest Spring Festival, the Sziget Festival, and the Valley of Arts at Kapolcs. The ensemble is a frequent co-performing partner of outstanding artists and creators such as Péter Gerendás, Andrea Malek, Dávid Schwartz, the InFusion Trio, the Budapest Saxophone Quartet, József Balog, as well as the Alba Regia and Savaria symphonic orchestras. Octovoice has contributed to several premieres, composed for example by Tamás Kálmán, Rezső Ott, Miklós Csemiczky, and György Selmeczi.

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