
Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language - Workshop 10:00, 13:00

Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language - Workshop 10:00, 13:00

All Shifting Roots - AML classes are designed with the intention of creating somatic awareness patterns between the body structure and the floor. This allows the body to discover the natural impulses originating from a solid and stable, yet sensitive foundation.

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Last event date: Sunday, March 13 2022 10:00AM

Beginner level:

Working from the foundation of breath, the strength of the core, and the generous plie, the Beginner level class consists of exercises that introduce the body to the fundamental articulation and awareness of the spine related to the head, the pelvis, and our connection to the floor through our feet.

In the Beginner level, the additional elements – specifically hand and arms – work very symmetrically in that each arm maintains an identical pattern of movement. This symmetry allows the foundation – the spine, the pelvis, and the plie – to establish itself as a confident support system for the movement being created.

6.900 HUF

Advanced level:

Advanced level is an extension of the process originating with the Beginner level as it continues through the Intermediate level and upward through the evolutionary ladder of the complexity of the Advanced class.

Taking all the elements of the previous two levels, the Advanced level’s most apparent difference is its canon of the hands and arms and the creativity generated by the hands after the arms have gone into the canon. In other words, the coordination of the arms moving in canon in the Intermediate class rises to a higher level of complexity when those same canon arms go off into different individual tangents.

The end result is a movement vocabulary that has developed from the impetus generated from the hands and arms and now has the potential to spiral into higher levels of complexity and expressivity. This demonstrates the ultimate respect and responsibility for a body that continues to have the same authority of providing support for an intense, creative movement generated from one simple hand gesture.

6.900 HUF

For both levels 11.000 HUF


Our offer

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