
SZUBJEKTÍV - Az Ipaművészeti Múzeum új szerzeményei a Várkert Bazárban

SZUBJEKTÍV - Az Ipaművészeti Múzeum új szerzeményei a Várkert Bazárban

SUBJECTIVE - The New Acquisitions of the Museum of Applied Arts in Várkert Bazár
For many of us, exhibitions are the same as the museum, but in reality, a museum’s work encompasses much more nuanced and varied professional tasks. The exhibition on display in Várkert Bazár allows visitors to get a glimpse at the everyday routine of the Museum…  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Friday, May 01 2020 7:00PM

Among others, the visitor gets answers to questions such as “What do museologists do?”, “What other professional skills are required in a museum?”, “How do the objects land up in a collection?”, “How long does it take to restore an object or to prepare an exhibition?” And finally, “Why are people not allowed to touch, try out or try on exhibited objects?”

The exhibition entitled Subjective – The New Acquisitions of the Museum of Applied Arts in Várkert Bazár presents the behind the scenes work of the Museum of Applied Arts, which is currently closed for reconstruction, by displaying selected examples of the works of art that have come into its collections since the turn of the millennium or have been restored in the last two decades.

The exhibition was organized in cooperation between the Museum of Applied Arts and Várkert Bazár.
The exhibits are selected from the collections of the Museum of Applied Arts.

Installation: KIÁLL Kft.
Cooperation in the installation:
Narmer Építészeti Stúdió
Graphic design and printing: AB OVO Stúdió
Digital installation: XORXOR

July 12 2019 ‒ 31 January 2020
Venue: Várkert Bazár – Guard’s Palace 1013 Budapest, Ybl Miklós tér 2.
Opening hours: every day except Monday from 10.00 A.M. to 6.00 PM.

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