
ZÓRA koncert

ZÓRA koncert

Suggestive performance, songs full of deep emotions, a phenomenon on the border between sensuality, and temper. A writer of both English- and Hungarian-language songs, ZÓRA invites even the farthest seated spectator into her own world through her immediate and spontaneous on-stage presence.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, October 15 2023 7:00PM

It does not matter if she accompanies herself on the piano, or performs with musicians, ZÓRA captures the hearts of people in no time. Living in Los Angeles and Hungary, Fonogram Award-winning singer-songwriter Zóra Urbányi drew attention to herself in 2021 with her cover of László Kollár-Klemencz's song Iszom a bort (I’m Drinking My Wine). In the same year she released her first Hungarian-language song, Mámor (Intoxication). The success of the recording with millions of views on YouTube was quickly followed by sold-out concerts, among others at the House of Hungarian Music, at the A38 Ship, and most recently on the stage of MomKult. This year she appeared on Forbes magazine’s list “30 successful Hungarians under 30”, and in the summer she released her new Hungarian song Elmentél (You Left).

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